Sunday Morning in Myrtle Glen

As I do every morning, I fill up the feeders with black sunflower seeds, cracked corn, etc. I watch our squirrel happily run off with a whole peanut.  The Cardinals seem to have waited already for their breakfast of black sunflower seeds, and the Mockingbirds are picking the ripe seeds off the Lantana trees.

The hummingbirds are zipping  from flower to flower, and butterflies such as Monarch, Gulf Fritillary, and Black Swallowtail, are everywhere.

I stop by the pond to feed the fish and Ruby, our Beagle, comes along stopping to investigate a small turtle sitting under the bench.

Maybe it will stay in Myrtle Glen, one would think the pond area offers everything a little turtle heart desires.

Frisbee fun

Life is good in Myrtle Glen :)


  1. Der Sam ist ja eine Wucht toll wie ihr das aufgenommen
    habt .
    Evi woher weißt du das die Schildus eine fürs Wasser ist ?
    die ist ja allerliebst.
    Sind die Birds Jungvögel ?
    Die Hypertufa Futterschale ist sehr Schön.
    Alles sind herrliche Bilder,Danke.

  2. Great picture of the two humming birds and off Sam playing frisbee

  3. I think the little turtle should be very happy in your pond! The hummingbirds look like they are having a good time, too. Your garden is a joy to human and wildlife both!

  4. Gorgeous images. Of all the treasures of the Americas, the one I think the one I envy the most is the humming bird.

  5. Stunning picture's I love the hummingbirds it's hard to say which picture I love best I think I love them all ! Garden Hugs to you this morning xxxx

  6. 1) naja, das fotografieren, ich knipse halt wie bloed rum, in der Hoffnung das eins von 20 Bildern akzeptabel ist ;)
    2) Die Schildus ist eine 'slider', ich kenn halt meine Schildkroeten.
    3) die birds sind Kolibri, die werden nicht groesser *lach*
    4) danke fuers lob, die Hypertufaschale habe ich von dem Blatt gemacht das mir die Maler abgerissen haben. Aergert mich zuu sehr, aber so habe ich das Blatt eben als Form benutzt.

  7. thanks, I'll try my best with the pictures :)

  8. Thanks for stopping by :) and yes, I have hummers all summer long and I do so enjoy those little feisty birds!

  9. I could not agree more! My favorite birds in the yard are the Hummingbirds.

  10. Thanks Chrissy, and a garden-hug right back at you!!
    I can never get tired of watching Hummingbirds.

  11. Love these pictures. Especially the hummers. I retired and left my yard and gardens and so miss them. Will have them again in a few years, so will enjoy yours till then ;0


  13. Thank you vicki, for your kind comment :-)
    and yes, please do visit my blog and if you are ever in the neighborhood, let me know, it may work out for you to visit Myrtle Glen.

  14. Wow, it seems like a veritable paradise there! How lush and full of such beautiful wildlife!
