New visitor

It took me several days before I was able to capture this Brown Thrasher on camera.
It seemed the bird knew exactly when I had the camera with me, it then darted in to get a peanut from the feeder and off it went to hide in the shrubs. The times I did not have a camera on me the bird hung out and surely was laughing at me.

But I can be sneaky, I plopped down on the garden bench, not moving, camera hidden with a towel, waiting patiently for the hungry bird to want a peanut.

Since offering peanuts the Brown Thrasher and Blue Jays come to visit, but I also have peanut plants pop up everywhere most likely thanks to the squirrels planting them in flower beds and pots. 

More about the Brown Thrasher


  1. sagenhaft so schöne vögel , die fühlen sich wohl in deinem herrlichen Garten

    1. ja ich freue mich auch sehr wenn ich einen neuen Besucher im Garten sehe.
