
January 2020 Garden Bloggers Bloom Day in Orlando Florida, zone 9b

Not many flowers in Myrtle Glen in January besides the ones that bloom all year round such as Vanda Terete 'Alba',  Blue Pea Vine, 'Louis Philippe', or Florida Cracker Rose (China Rose) and the volunteer salvias in different colors.

This red passiflora vitifolia flowers non stop

The Dombeya is almost done flowering, the salvias in red white and pink pop up throughout the yard. This Billbergia has vivid fuchsia-colored pedals, I believe it is 'Cold Fusion' and the Philodendron erubescens 'Pink Princess' is of course not a flower but the pretty pink leaves are so eye-catching.

The Desert Rose is a noid but very much beloved,  the Vanda terete 'Alba'  is one of my non-stop flowering plants. Hoya australis has a lovely fragrance, the Mango flowers not so much but I am very much looking forward to the delicious mangoes.

 The blue pea vine and the Florida Cracker rose both have flowers all the time, while the white powder puff is a winter bloomer. The flowers of the Aechmea gamosepala 'matchstick' last a long time and are a nice addition to any flower bed.

This post is added to Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens

1 comment:

  1. Such lovely pink salvia! I love salvia, but haven't had that paler pink.
