
Walk around the Blue Lagoon

Shallow salt water area, mostly hidden, sunny and peaceful - our Blue Lagoon

To the left from the main porch, the deck leads to our hidden Cabana. This cozy area is under a pergola overgrown by a large Petrea vine. It's a shady spot to enjoy an afternoon cocktail while reading a book.

From here on the paved walkway leads around the pool to where it meets up again with the deck.
Walk by the garden shower under banana leaves, the area is planted with ferns and gingers.

The way splits here and leads down to the sunken terrace.

The lotus bowl has a new spot in full sun.

The round sunken terrace is perfect for taking a nap under palm trees.

Along the walkway at the back of the pool we planted a tropical mix with hibiscus, plumeria, herbs and a canistel tree.

Steps lead down into the yard. 

Back on the deck waits a comfortable pool bench (for storing all pool items) offering a front row seat at the Blue Lagoon.

Along that side of the deck is a narrow flowerbed filled with bromeliads and elephant ears spilling over the edge of the deck.

And we are back at the starting point.


  1. Evi die Bilder sind herrlich,man kann in deinem Garten spazieren gehen und man sieht immer was neues es ist umwerfend schön
