My one and only Azalea

My one and only!
I love Azaleas, but my garden is not right for them. Azaleas want partial shade, well-drained and slightly acidic soil, I have the shade but not the soil.

Several years ago a garden friend gave me this white azalea plant, and I am so happy that I did not kill it. Yet. I keep it in a large pot to be able to control the moisture and soil condition.

Azaleas, just like Roses, are Royals in the garden. Azalea enthusiasts have bred this plant for hundreds of years, and have produced over 10,000 different cultivars.
They are easy plants, needing only minimal fertilizer and some pruning after flowering to keep them in a nice shape.

Callaway Gardens in Georgia is on my list of Gardens to visit some day. Callaway Gardens have the world's largest collection of native and cultivated azaleas. They are on Azalea watch right now, posting pictures of the Azalea Garden, so visitors can decide on their perfect day to visit.

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