I did not like the look of my endless long sidebar because of all the links I had added. So here's my solution, I transferred all my favorite links to this page :-)
It looks like some bloggers stopped adding content to their blogs, or maybe they are just like me, fallen off the journaling wagon for a while. It does not matter. The content of the blogs below is worth visiting, no matter the date stamp of the posts.
Happy Blog Hopping!
Florida Gardening Blogs
- Central Florida Gardener - A Florida Gardener's Resource Blog
- DragonFly Garden - Gardening in Miami
- The Florida Native Orchid Blog - all about FL orchids
- Fruitscapes, University of Florida - All about fruits for Florida
- Garden Adventures - Grower Jim in Orlando
- Hoe and Shovel - A Florida Garden Blog
- Miss Smarty Plants - a professional gardener
- Native Florida Wildflowers - Beauty and Diversity of Florida's Wildflowers
- Nitty Gritty Dirt Man - The incredibly true misadventures of a home gardener
- Simply Susan - Welcome to my Garden

Other Blogs I like to visit
- Deb's Garden - For Plant and Nature Lovers
- Elephant's Eye - Wildlife Gardening in Porterville, South Africa
- Fairegarden - Faire Garden in an alternative universe
- Flip Flops and Floo Powder - the adventures of two Geek Girls
- Gardening Gone Wild
- Graphicality - UK
- Ink & Penstemon
- La Vie en Rose - Keity in Japan
- My Orchids Journal
- PlantPostings
- Plants are the Strangest People
- Red House Garden
- Southern Meadows - creating a wildlife haven one plant at a time
- Urban Organic Gardening in Sydney
- My Gardener Says... - Gardening in Austin, Texas
- Rosyfinch Ramblings - finding birds and beauty close to home

Blog Memes:
- A list of garden blog memes by 'My Gardener Says...'
- once per month on the 15th: May Dreams Gardens Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day
- Skywatch Friday
- Floral Friday
- Weekend Reflections (photography)
- Mosaic Monday (collage photography)
- Our World Tuesday

And even more Links I like to share with you
- National Wildlife Federation
- Monarch Watch blog
- Plant Real Florida - Enrich your life with wildflowers
- The Animal Rescue Site - click to fund food and care for rescued animals
- The Humane Society Urban Wildlife Sanctuary Program
- Garden For Wildlife
- University of Florida - Florida Wildlife Extension
- Audubon at home
- American Beauties - Native Pants
- Herbs in the Florida Garden
- Floridata
- Florida Bats
- Florida Backyard Snakes
- Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation
- What's that bug
- Animal Planet
- Florida Gatorland - Web cams

Where I shop online
- Amaryllis Bulb Company - great selection of Amaryllis
- Brent & Becky's Bulbs - The Bulb Shoppe
- Cool Roses - Roses for Florida gardens
- Plant Delights Nursery - Nursery in Raleigh, NC - A Passion for Perennial Plants
- Jene's Tropicals - Nursery in St. Petersburg, lots of citrus trees
- Caladium World

Should you find an error, a mislabeling of an image, or if you just want to say 'hi',
contact the webgardener by sending an Email to Gone Tropical