I grew up in Germany with a Grandmother and Mother both loving their gardens. Grandma was more practical, she loved fruit trees, berry bushes, tended her vegetable beds, making jams, and was very knowledgeable about fertilizer, organic concoctions, composting, bugs (good and bad) and so forth. Mom was more into beautification, she loves a pleasing garden design with ornamentals, the flowers, her perfect grass area, and attractively shaped shrubs. I did learn more than just the basics from both, and then some more from aunts and uncles.
When my husband left the military we moved to his home state Florida, gardening sure is different here than in Germany! Best way to learn is hands-on so I found a job at a small local garden nursery where the owner taught me all about his favorites, the orchids, ferns and palms. I learned about diseases, soil condition, and how to propagate.
I am not a professional landscape designer nor architect, but if you have a question, Send me an Email