Garden Number 1
A large part of the backyard was covered in concrete and river rock with the collection of beautiful specimen plants under a large commercial greenhouse screen roof.
Garden Number 2
A very nice water feature and newly planted fence line with attractive planters sprinkled throughout.
Garden Number 3
This garden was featured in 2012's Mt. Dora Garden Tour, I believe back then were even more potted plants in that yard.
A beautiful large oak tree in the front yard with bromeliad collection
Garden Number 4
I wish I had an oak tree out front. I just love the bromeliads at the base of the tree!
Garden Number 5
Home to antique collectors, with an antique gas station in the front yard
We did enjoy the gardens and talking to the garden club volunteers and homeowners. They all worked hard to make this garden tour special. I am looking forward to next year's featured gardens.
Der Bromeladen Kranz unter der Eiche ist wunderbar